Here we are another month is almost gone. What have we been up to? It's been so busy it's almost a blur but I'll share some of our favorite highlights from the month.
Tyler and the boys have really enjoyed some hunting on the farm.
Keeler enjoyed having Mimi, Jim-dad and Granny at his school's Grandparent's Day.
My boys are beyond blessed in the grandparent department.
Keeler got to stay home after lunch on Grandparent's Day so he helped me put up Christmas decorations.
This is such daunting task. I try to get our stuff up mid-November that way it's up and ready when we return home from Thanksgiving. I feel like we get to enjoy it longer.
I did more online shopping throughout the year than normal {and tried to cut back some} so I knew I better go through my stash before Black Friday. While it was all out, I convinced Tyler to help me wrap. He's such a stud!
Keeler enjoyed Pajama Day at school on the day before Thanksgiving break.
And then wonderful Thanksgiving Break. I'm always thankful to have some of my favorite ladies by my side. We couldn't get there fast enough.
Thanksgiving Day was great. We had a delicious meal at Mimi and Jim-Dad's.
Tyler bonded with Phoenix and we enjoyed visiting with family.
Black Friday was a success as always. Starbucks, my favorite ladies and shopping. What's not to love?
I even managed to win a gift certificate in the mall.
The boys has just as much time having cousin time while the big boys went golfing.
Kallahan LOVES his Jacey.
Saturday, Mimi & Jim-dad took the boys on the Polar Express {post coming soon}.
While we were there, I shared with Tyler's sister our recent loss of Kitty Whiskers. Before we headed home, she helped arrange getting us these two adorable kittens from one of her girlfriends.
On Saturday, Keeler told Santa he wanted a kitten so we had to make this happen. We didn't plan on getting new kittens so soon but it all worked out.
The kittens are feeling right at home.
The little cowboys have been great helpers with them.
They've named them Bud Trigger and Blizzy (short for Blizzard) Bloom.
It's been quite the month.