It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas..
at American Implement! This week we trimmed the showroom tree. It's fun that this night has become an annual tradition for some of the families that I work with. We order in pizza and bring our families out. Our kids have a great time running around playing and helping decorate. I didn't get a picture of Keeler but he looks forward to his night every year.
On Friday night, we all went over to Granny's house to celebrate uncle Troy's 50th birthday!
Everyone wore black and spoiled uncle Troy.
We had a great time. They had some really cute decorations and party props.
On Saturday morning, Keeler went to the farm with Tyler.
Kal and I went to the local Tumbleweed bazaar with Whitney and her boys to see Santa. I told him he needed to look nice for Santa so he let me dress him up a bit and fix his hair ;)
This boy cracks me up! This "duck face" is his new smile.
He did great with Santa. He didn't want me to go up with Santa alone so it made it nice that Whitney was with us to take his picture. He told Santa that he wants a "choo-choo train."
Saturday evening, I happily volunteered to watch Natalie's little girls while they attended the annual Chamber banquet. We planned on attending as well but I really didn't feel like leaving the little cowboys with a sitter after a long work week. We needed some time at home together.
It was a lot of fun to have some little girls in the house. Kal wanted to bake them an orange cake... so what did we do? We baked an orange cake (we'll leave out the part that it tasted awful and no one finished an entire piece).
It's too cute not to share... here's a special little message from Kal to his aunt Samantha. We can't wait to see you all over Thanksgiving.

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