Tuesday, January 3, 2012

New Year & a New Schedule

Holiday Favs:  Family Pic

Holiday Fav:  Granny with "her Greats!"

Holiday Fav:  Jacey & Baby Kal
Today marked my first official day back to work at the office.  It was bittersweet.  This morning I struggled to hold back the tears as I gathered my laptop and kissed my little cowboys goodbye.  Keeler started crying but I quickly walked out the door to avoid the situation but felt so guilty and sad to leave them.  Once I got settled into my office and knew Tyler had dropped off the boys I called to check in.  He reported that they both did great and as soon as I walked out the door, Keeler stopped crying and gave Tyler an evil little grin.  I have to admit I was a little mad that he was playing me but I am more happy that he will adjust to our new schedule and really doesn’t mind me leaving.  He is such a little drama king!  I tried to prepare him over the last few days that I would be going back to work by telling him.  One day while reminding him he said, “when you go back to work then I’ll go to high school.”  I had to correct him, no it’s preschool sweetie. 
I got all the holiday décor put away this weekend and finally got all our gifts put away as well.  Tyler’s family came this past weekend to help paint the living room and it looks great.  We appreciate the help so much.  Tyler’s mom and granny also helped me start hanging pictures.  Tyler says they are the only ones with enough patience to help me through the process, either way everything is looking great and I just love our new home.  We are looking forward to next weekend because they are coming back up to help with granny’s home improvement projects.  It’s going to be a great 2012, I just know it! 

“Happy New Year.  Wishing blessings for everyone!”

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