Sunday, July 29, 2012

Weekend Whoas & Randoms...

1) We spent the weekend at home getting ready for our vacation!!  I feel like a little kid, I am so excited to see the Van Bakels.  
2)     This morning, Keeler & Tyler went to the farm to complete chores so I got to spend one-on-one time with baby Kal.  After we got ready for church, I spent some time taking pictures of this sweet baby.  Seriously, how is it possible that he just keeps getting cuter!

3) I think we managed to eat corn with every meal this complaints :)

3)     It finally feels like summer because Big Brother is back.   Thanks to DVR & sleeping cowboys I was able to catch up on past episodes & I think I have my favorites picked: Shane, Ian and Danielle.  I also love that Brittany is back coaching.  Who are you rooting for?

4)     Keeler had a blast playing with his new bubble machine from his grandparents.  Pardon his goofy clothing but after church he wanted his "comfy pants."

5)     On Tuesday, Tyler & I will celebrate our 8th anniversary.  I love my cowboy more today than I even thought possible.  I love where life has taken us and I can’t wait to see what’s ahead. 

6)     At work we are hosting a co-worker’s 50th anniversary party on Wednesday.  Can you imagine working for the same company for 50 years?!  
He's a rock star in my book!

Have a great week!


1 comment:

  1. I love the picture of Tyler with the boys! A perfect not trying picture!

    Isn't it amazing how you can wake up and love your little guys more than you did the day before!
